
the right words for a "wrong" mood...

 ... let not the title mislead you my dears... as no mood is ever wrong.
  whatever we feel is having its reason.
 it's not often that I come posting here a picture of myself and going,
 I just can't seem to find the right words and images to communicate my mood
 lately, which has been colored both with bright & dark tones at the same time.

 So, this is just a short notice to say that I haven't forgotten about you, all I wish to share and do in this place  and I'll be back, concentrating on all that is positive, carries beautiful, creative energy,
 while sharing my views on living a stylish, meaningful life, much as I try to do with mine.

 Till then, here is a corner freshly styled for the purpose of making a new display for


Pictures: Iro - Ivy Nassopoulos for Domestic Stories with Ivy 2012 

P.S: some garlands are already stocked on the shop's shelves. More to come!


  1. I was searching the work of Elitis and came across the following lines.
    Κύμα στο φως
    Ξαναγεννάει τα μάτια
    Όπου η Ζωή αρμενίζει προς
    Τ' αγνάντεμα
    Ζωή -
    By going through light and dark places we can better appreciate life. Hope everything is more than fine.

    1. Thank you for sharing this Katerina,

      this is just wonderful, it really moved me.
      Elitis is such an honorable poet!

      All is fine, just facing life and ourselves is sometimes a bit more challenging than we might have thought.
      Lately it feels that stability, creativity and evolution are more welcomed in my life when kept private. A strange position for a person who holds a blog to find herself into.

      But out of all this "struggle" I'm certain that the time is approaching for a welcome change

      Kind regards to you in Greece, so often in my thoughts these days with all the happenings. Take care, xo

  2. Iro, my dear, I just send you a warm hug shrouded in endless and deep love over all the way to you. I know the mood, which you're speaking about, very well and right now I'm too in the middle of this probably constant search for the balance between darkness and brightness. Maybe we can find us being in balance for just a few moments and sometimes it even stays a bit longer - until the next darker wave of emotions, that are waiting to be transformed and cleared up, is rising... maybe that's just life as its best... Seems that's the way it is, at least right now.

    Anyway, I wish you'll find yourself centered again very soon, to be able to recieve and express new inspiration, to create and manifest again. But I know, you will ... I really look forward to the new aspects of love, which soon will be seen and felt in your post and your work in generall.

    Wish you a magical time, my wonderful friend.
    Lysann :*)

    1. Hello Lysann lovely lady,

      well actually I have been feeling centered lately, while the dark moods seem to be faced with an effective way, giving place to new positivism, resulting from creativity and engaging in life's simple, nice moments.

      Synchronizing every day life with posting is a challenge lately. A wish to share while keeping quiet at the moment is dominant and requires to be addressed. What a combination, huh?

      I wish you that your every day life is filled with all the love, tenderness, creativity and stability that you long for and well deserve.

      Thank you for being around to share all kind of moments!
      Enjoy your evening, xo

  3. Such a lovely photo from you !!!

    1. hello! smiling right back at you, thank you so much, so lovely to say so :)

  4. Ach liebe Iro, ich wünsche dir von Herzen alles Gute und hoffe, dass du deine innere Balance bald wieder findest. Das erst Bild ist wunderschön! Du siehst toll aus :)!

    Alles Liebe, Nadine

    1. Liebe Nadine,

      du kannst vielleicht vorstellen dass Du so oft in meinem Gedanken bist! Ich muss mich entschuldigen dass ich mich bis heute nicht gemeldet habe. So schon Dir hier zu finden :)

      Innere Balance ist etwas sehr sehr stark dass von ganz oben kommt... und ich weiß dass ein Priorität in meinem Leben ist.

      Manche mal so weit entfernt, manche mal so neben...

      Ich schicke Dir und die Jungs ganz liebe Grüße und Drücke,


  5. Best of luck to you particularly during this period. You bring a bit of sunshine to my day & to many others, sending it back to you!!

    1. Hello dear Carmel,

      I hope today's short post to bring a little bit more of sunshine in your day. Thank you so much for sending your warmth my way yesterday. It helped :)

      The post is dedicated to you an all who are willing to see the light and perceive sunshine in their lives.


  6. Beautiful words & work, Iro! And I agree with you 100 % - there is no 'wrong' mood. Wrong is only when we don't listen to our gutts, to our feelings - then something goes wrong. Hugs all the way from Munich!!

    1. Thank you friend in Munich :)

      Wishing you a lovely weekend ahead, listening and following your gutts ;)
      I'll be doing the same here, xo

  7. Yes, you are right, there is no wrong mood. Sometimes we must take our moods as they come and let them do their thing.

    I loved "seeing" you today here, really brightened my day. You are so lovely.

    Big hugs Xx.

  8. no right or wrong ..just being and creating !! you may not think so but this is a very special post ..best weekend to you!!

    1. "Just being" seems often hard to be understood in our current times and societies. I'm ever so content this post meant something to you.

      The month that passed since this post has been indeed devoted to simply - or perhaps not so simply to accomplish after all ;) - "being".

      Being deeply connected with the shelf and the environment.
      Accepting all kind of emotions.
      Eventually, recognizing pure Joy is inevitably one of the rewards.

      I hope you have been fine, too! Truly lovely of you to pass by, xo

  9. I love the style you took your pictures, so pure and bright.
    Lovely hugs
