
Destination u n k n o w n . . .

here is a little tip:

if you wish to express some nice feelings about seeing a person important to you*,

choose a  b o u q u e t   o f   f l o w e r s  

that you think the receiver will enjoy,

but also something that you like, too

G i v i n g   s o m e t h i n g  is about thinking of the other person,

and taking the chance to  c o n n e c t  with them.

When we in fact reach to wanting to express  k i n d n e s s  to others,

it means that we are somehow bonded.

Life is all about developing  r e l a t i o n   s h i p s,

while simmultaneously establishing  o u r s e l v e s, 

becoming day by day a little more of the person

we once  d r e a m e d  of  b e c o m i n g .

* however lot might argue that this involves mostly women, there are men out there too
who enjoy something fresh! There are green leaves plants + succulents for example.
Perhaps they will appreciate the chance to experience the more caring side in them.
Just saying : )

In a society where roles sometimes seem imposed,

encouraging people to become  t h e i r   f u l l e s t   s e l v e s  is something wonderful.

Women have more masculine sides, too 

{ talks a lady who happily grabs anything related to Black & Decker! }

men have more femine sides, too.

The magic in relation ships is to accept one another as we are.

Then  a l l   p o s s i b l e   t r a n s f o r m a t i o n s  are well... possible!

Love  c a n n o t  be based on force, mistrust, punishment and expectations.

That way it is truly "doomed" to fail.

So to return to a  p o s i t i v e   &   g r a c e f  u l  mood:

if you will offer flowers,

how about grabbing some  w h i t i s h   t r a n s p a r e n t   b a k i n g   p a p e ,

and embracing the bouquet with a few rounds of it?

{ I used two sheets here}

Add a kind of discrete & delicate ribbon,

let your  i n t e n t i o n s   &   f e e l i n g s  speak for themselves.

Enjoy the time with the ones you l o v e !


p.s: thank you so much for every one of your comments! I read them all, in whichever language and take so much joy! I'll make time to come write a few words personally to each one of you again.


  1. One photos with a big world inside :-9

  2. what to say... thank you very much! :)

    they say a picture is a thousand words...

    for me it's also a peek inside a whole world, too


  3. Dear Ivy,

    This photo is stunning: elegance, setting, colours, light, atmosphere, mood... everything.

    Have a nice day! :)


  4. Hi Ivana,

    thank you so much! :)

    I snapped it quite spontaneously after preparing the flowers and shortly before hitting the road to go meet a dear to me person.

    A yoga teacher I followed classes which, during the times when going to language school in order to learn German was a daily matter. I had lost her contact and found out where she lives, so I paid her a visit. A good thing as she's planing to move to Austria soon.

    Thank's for coming over here, very happy for your visit :)

    Have a nice day yourself!
