
The Jug, the Jar & a full moon

 Fairy tales for adults  by Iro - Ivy Nassopoulos, all rights reserved, 2013

When there are no words to be said

when emotions, feelings, desires & hopes 

are large enough & intense enough to

cover all landscape, fill the oceans & light up all stars of the Universe,

then two favorite objects of mine

a  J u g   &   a   J a r 

step out and volunteer to do the talking for me

in order to break the silence...

So thankful for them,

so thankful for this little blog place

[much like then]

so thankful for all of you

and most of all 

so thankful for 

my most beloved reader of all

H a p p y   A u g u s t ' s  full moon to all!


  1. Oh I love this styling story! This is a good idea my friend! Miss u :) Hope you are well :)


  2. How wonderful to hear that from you my dear Holly!

    I'm well, thank you for passing by my online home :) S
    Some family matters while in Greece required my attention and effort recently. I'm pleased for as positive outcomes as possible and continuing with Hope & Joy ;)

    Hope you and family are well, too. We'll soon catch up on each other. Sending good thoughts and a stream of sunshine shining on you.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A little poetry... as usual
    I love you

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