
somewhere there, under the sky, near the woods... ~

since the last post, (to which you have so wonderfully contributed in the comments section and I thank you so  dearly for) it seems that a long time has passed, yet it has been only a week...
Easter came and left here in Germany and though I posted a spontaneous little 
chicken & egg gathering quickly put together on the dining table to wish everyone
a happy Easter, it remained posted only on FB and flickr...

sometimes I get the feeling that I like my posts to stay here a while...
not being exchanged every other day...

then off course come weeks where posting occurs more frequently.
I accept both patterns and only wish to share with you that lately
I've been content remaining mostly silent, 
focusing on creative processes when working in the studio,
or simply enjoying listening to music or going through pages of favorite books

so forgive my rather low communicative profile,
also reflecting in only but a few if any visits or comment exchanges
on social on line places

these days have been somehow working wonderfully for me

the older I get the more an internal approach is appealing to me,
while creativity and work are the highest means to be expressing myself.

there was time to enjoy being a housewife, also working from her home studio,
with all the immense pleasures it involves...

April showers have been exchanging with strong sunshine,
leading to experiencing the new place 
all over through this first time lived here season.

blooming trees & tiny green leaves appearing at the woods
are emphasizing birth and hope
and I'm simply taken by their beauty.

despite feeling a little uncomfortable to have done so,
on Easter day I returned with a few blooming branches,
which I placed on the dining table...

a little sort of amazing the prettiness they so effortlessly bring inside...

the few shots shared here have been snapped around while the camera was actually 
taking a break from being busy for professional reasons.

some of the pretty things you see, like this shabby chic
double tray are part of the styling props
staying here for a while, for product shooting to be completed.

I love working in slow rhythms and I'm feeling awfully grateful
that the quality, care and engagement involved are being appreciated.

in an era where all seem to rush to produce and do more,
I simply choose to do less with more care and depth.

... somewhere here among the sun rays that were shining on Easter day this past Sunday,
I'll be leaving you till our next meeting here, with the warmest of thoughts and wishes for all things
turning out the best possible ways.

Spring is here and so is the chance for renewal, re appreciation of situations, 
spring cleaning & joyful emotions.


Image credit: Iro - Ivy Nassopoulos 


  1. Hi! I admire often your beautiful apartment, it really inspires me. Just like you I like the white interior and Ikea ;)
    Yesterday I set up my blog.
    Come to me in your free time :)
    Have a wonderful day! :)

  2. Beautiful inspiration... love your pictures! Have a nice friday ;)

  3. "In an era where all seem to rush to produce and do more,
    I simply choose to do less with more care and depth."

    GREAT thinking, I love it!

  4. I love this blog! your pictures, words, inspiration
    thanks for sharing so much beauty

  5. With your posts' richness in image and texts, they MUST stay for a while. You put so much work into them and I cherish it very much. Kalo Pasxa apo to Monaxo!

  6. Hi Ira, I am quite new hire and I like it very much. I agree with Tamara, and I will sign myself unther those words :). I think I saw your former apartment somewhere, mybee via decor8. I like your sensitive tuch and the colors that you chose when decorateing. Lovely photos.

  7. Oh Iro. This is one of those posts that has left me smiling, not only on my lips, but in my heart too.

    Thank you for your lovely words and your inspiring images.

    You say: "in an era where all seem to rush to produce and do more, I simply choose to do less with more care and depth." - I admire that very much.

    Cheers to things turning out in the best possible way!

    Big Hugs xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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