
~ changes . . .

                                                                 hello everyone!
 hope you've spent a marvelous weekend and the new week has already found you {or is just about to find you}  energised, relaxed and ready for one more week of this adventure called "life"...

...the new week is finding me in the middle of changes again, as my base {aka my "home"} is going to be different for the next few couple of weeks. From the tiny, lovely Penthouse which I share with my partner, to Apart44, or else my parents residence in Glyfada of Athens.

...it's the first time since my  relocation in Germany that I'll be staying there for so long (almost a month) without a decoration project being involved...then one never actually knows how things turn out! ;)
 Despite feeling a little guilty that this free luxurious time is offered to me, I'm really happy to be spending enough time there, so as to enjoy everyday routines.

...speaking of which, having trip preparations to take care off today, I' d better go and return here quite soon, sharing thoughts, inspiration, ideas and all things nice, interesting or even perhaps...intriguing ; )

                                                             ~ have a lovely day!


  1. Oh dear, enjoy this precious time!
    have a sweet day,

  2. have a nice flight, iro! see you here soon! p.s. don't feel guilty. you deserve all the best! love!

  3. Oh lucky you! have a wonderful time Iro!

  4. Have a most enjoyable time Ivy x
