
... for all the " k o n i k l o s " of the world!


 h e l l o  T h u r s d a y !

h e l l o   e v e r y o n e ! 

 it's with pleasure & a sense of sweet anticipation,

that this elegant, antique brooch, discovered in London by undoubtedly talented,

kind & lovely Angelica, is expected to reach my doorstep.

I believe in good work and true, polite intentions.

When encountered with an opportunity to be part of something like that,

I jump in, just like I would dive in crystal clear waters,

on an early summer or early autumn afternoon...

The leaf brooch is part of a collection currently been offered 

at  K o n i k l o s , a pop-up shop to be running till the 20th of December,

curated by Angelica,

the author of Aufrais blog,

a photographer, graphic designer & overall creative person

with a high sense of aesthetics.

Below she is modeling one of the three 

{still just one available - correction: just sold out while this post was being written }

vintage brass bracelet.

photography & collage by Angelica Aufrais  [via]

All items have been carefully collected through her travels

both in Greece, her country of origin and current place of residence,

and abroad.

I'm in love with the 60's coffeepot & the boot removers!

ummm, boot - what - I heard you say?

h e r e  is a fully informative post,

to find out what they are & how to use them.

Thought, care, love & attention have been devoted

from accumulating the goods, to photographing them,

to pricing them & developing the packaging.

{ you can read this post to find out more through the author herself }

Asides the vintage collection,

at Koniklos, you'll find a calendar with Angelica's beautiful photos 

&  b e e w a x   s a l v e s ,

prepared all the way by herself

in her studio at home,

paying attention to detail, while experimenting

with new fragrances.

I really appreciate similar handmade & homemade

initiatives, don't you?

"handmade" sometimes seems to be getting rather misunderstood nowadays...

k o n i k l o s 

Angelica posts some updates of what is going on in her shop,

- which is already doing very good business! -

in her facebook page,

a serene place to take a look at,

spending a few quality minutes of your time.

As for the shop's name, K o n i k l o s ,

it's the ancient Greek work for  r a b b i t,

the small domestic animal which symbolizes 

a b u n d a n c e   &    c o m f o r t .

These precious & priceless qualities of life, 

especially in the current worlds we are living in.

Isn't it a wonderful notion,

to be feeling comfortable in the skin we are living in,

meaning in full awareness & acceptance

of who we are & who we are evolving into,

while appreciating the abundance that surrounds us?

 Love hearing from you & wishing everyone a beautiful day,

filled with abundance & comfort!


All photography by Angelica Aufrais, posted with permission.


  1. thank you iro! your words are always so kind! thanks for posting about koniklos!

  2. You are welcome Angelica!

    If language is to be used, then let it be for good reasons... right? ;)
    I do so love your work, your shop, you life attitude and sharing about it also offers me joy, happiness & lots of strength!
    It all appears - and is - so genuine, so effortless... full of light & kindness. There can only be lots of work + love + pure intentions behind such an outcome.

    Much love,

    p.s: I just noticed the comment you left on my previous post, too, thank's :)
    And I love your floors & mostly adorable female dog :)

  3. How many beautiful things in this post! You make better my day Iro ...

    1. ... that's so sweet to say + nice to know!

      Thank U Serena! Have a lovely Friday + weekend ahead, xo

  4. What a beautiful find, Iro!! I must check it out in more detail!! Kalo apogevma!!

    1. Dear Igor,

      the shop is doing well, while new things are up today, so perhaps it is indeed a good idea to check it out more in detail!

      Happy weekend to you, have fun while speaking at the blogging event!

  5. Learned a new word! Koniklos, soooo cute! The brooch you got is beautiful! And thanks for sharing Angelica's shop. New blog to add to my reader :)

    Big hugs to you my dear xoxoxoxo

  6. Love & fanny stories

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